Billie Anne and Alex walking with the children.

Mallor playing goalee for the children.

Mary Beth Smith loving on the NDO children.

Curtis and Sam Playing soccer with the children.
June 22
               (Lynne)  The Jesus Film showed last night.  We had a good crowd finally show up.  It was interesting to watch.  When we arrived and began setting up, there were only a handful of people.  Then we got the speakers working and put Kalenga on microphone singing and playing the guitar and Mulenga on the African drums.  It was reminiscent of the stories we grow up hearing of the drums of Africa calling the people to come. Once the sounds filtered out into the bush the people began to arrive in family groups and groups of young men.  The film began playing and the team was praying. 
At the part where the blind man who cries out to Jesus is healed, Blu stopped the film and told the people that we are all blind spiritually and that if we will cry out to Jesus, He will hear our cries and restore our sight. He said that at the end of the movie if you want to cry out to Jesus to come see any of the team from New Day. 
      At the end of the film, no one moved, this was the second time the film had been shown at this location.  Last time, no one responded. We were all feeling like it was going to be the same again this time.  We waited and no one responded.  Finally, we began to disassemble the equipment and then people began to come up and ask questions of the New Day people.  I don’t know if anyone made a decision for Christ from the villages but I think at least many were interested and will come to the church services which are held at the same place we showed the film. 
As we were preparing to leave, Wes Wilcox, one of the New Day missionaries came up to me and said, “Praise God! Three of our boys asked Jesus to be their savior tonight!”  So, if you have been watching the New Day Blog, it was Mweene, Joseph and Mishek! Praise God!  Thank you, all who were praying.
It was like Dodge City on a Sunday morning here at New Day while everyone was away at the Jesus Film.  When I finished the dishes and locked up the kitchen, the sun was below the horizon and not a living thing could be seen or heard in the compound.  The team and staff finally arrived back at New Day around 10 PM.

June 23
               Kid’s Club today.  Saturdays are a little slower paced here at NDO.  We don’t have a devotional at 7:30-ish, and workers and staff begin moving around about 8 am.  Ladies will begin building the fire for the Kid’s Club supper around noon, and Kid’s club will start around noon.  Some of the men from the Rosemont team have gone off into the bush this morning to help Blu cut fence posts for NDO.  Not sure what the rest of the Team has for today except Kid’s Club at 3 PM.
               Thanks again for all who prayed before, during and after the Jesus film.   Seeds were planted.  Felix, the pastor of the church and owner of the farm where it was shown will water and tend the seeds.


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