Parasites, Baobab Trees and Sunrises

Plasmodium falciparum
     "Say hello to my little friend  .  .  .  "  I really hope we don't become friends.  This is Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria in Zambia.  I know, I know, you were expecting Plasmodium vivax, my old friend from my Auburn parasitology class (thank you Carl F. Dixon).  P. falciparum is a more virulent species than P. vivax. Estimates are that 75% of malaria cases in sub-Saharan Africa are from P. falciparum.  This form of malaria has the highest moratlity rate and usually involves the most complications.  On Monday, Lynne and I will meet our new friend Mefloquin.   We chose Monday because it creates an alliteration for us "Monday, Malaria, Mefloquin!" Cool huh.  As of two day we are two weeks from departure to Zambia.   Looking forward to being there  .  .  .  two days of air travel not so much.   
     I have two books to read so I can pass the time.  Matched  and Crossed by Allie Condie.  The Long Cane Middle School chorus teacher told me they were very good.  I am hoping to score the third book in the trilogy Reached before we depart on June 1.
      So what I am looking forward to seeing and doing while in Zambia.  First and foremost to serve the staff and children at New Day Orphanage.  One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 84:10 "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." That has always spoken to me as if to say, if I am serving God and doing His will, it makes no difference what I am doing.  I will gladly mop and sweep the orphanage floors everyday, if that is how God wants to use me.
      I am really looking forward to see a Baobab and Banyan trees.  I have seen both in numerous shows on Africa.
 I have a fondness for dead trees for photography.    Looking forward to the Botswana Safari when the Rosemont Church group comes in mid-June.   Now some of you are thinking, "wait a minute, there is something you left off of your list!'   Yes, I did.  I am so looking forward to those African sunrises and sunsets across the savannah after a day of serving at New Day!!
Still coveting your prayers!!!


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