     We are down to 22 days before we depart for Mapanza, Zambia. Those of you who were praying for Mishek who was in the hospital will be glad to know that he is back at New Day.  Not completely well but on the mend praise the LORD.  You gotta love that smile.
     Lynne is finally feeling better after a week and a half of sinus problems; at times she was bed-ridden.   She is up, working in her garden, milking Millie and on the mend also praise the LORD.  She leaves next Thursday for a week of camping in the Smokey Mountains with her parents.  This is an annual time-away with her parents.  I have started to organize in my mind what I need to pack for Zambia.  We will begin to organize in earnest after she returns from the Smokeys.  I still have two weeks of school left that occupies my mind.
     There is a Rosemont Zambia team meeting this Sunday at 5 PM at "Handy" Randy's home.  More details and preparations.   Excitement is building for the team coming to Zambia the 3rd week of June as many people are being blessed with funding for their mission trip.  Still working out details.  Please keep us and the team in your prayers.


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