Ready, Willing and Able . . . But No!!

Maribeth and Cricket
     If you have been following my blog you know what an exciting and blessed time we had in Zambia at NDO this past summer, and you know we came back excited about going back to NDO.  We discussed the possibility with Blu and Darbi when they were here in LaGrange in August.  Since then Lynne and I have been prayerfully considering if God would have us go on mission in the coming year, and possibly return to Zambia.
     So this past Sunday I attended the informational missions meeting at our church to seek information and guidance.  Randy Presley, our missions coordinator, worked his way through the list of mission opportunities methodically.  As he talked about each opportunity, I asked God if he wanted us to go there on a mission trip.  Brazil with the IMB-No!  Guatemala for Spring Break-No!  Zambia for Spring Break or next summer-No!  In my heart the Holy Spirit told me very clearly, "you aren't going anywhere on mission next year."  My heart sank, as did my shoulders, and I left in the middle of the meeting.
     I got in my orange Honda Fit and headed off to meet my son Stephen and the Browns (Elly, Nancy and Ryan).  Nancy and her two children are like family to us and we very often go out to eat with them after church.  My radio was on Joy FM our local Christian station, and what God had just told me was rattling around in my head.  I remember saying out loud at least twice, "God you really don't want us to go anywhere on mission?"  Finally I turned off the radio and said, "Ok God, we need to talk!"  So here is our conversation as best as I remember it:

Me:  God you know my heart is in Zambia, and I am willing to go wherever you want me to go for however long you want me to go.

God:  (Silence)

Me:  Are you really telling me not to go on mission next year?

God:  You aren't going anywhere on mission next year.

Me:  Do you want us to send somebody on misson?  We could send two people to Guatemala.

God:   I don't want you to send SOMEBODY!

Me:    What do you want us to do?  We are ready, willing and able!

God:  Don't you have a daughter?

Me:  Yes, Maribeth is at Moody studying applied linguistics  .  .  .  God you know that! Wait a minute! Next summer Maribeth is interning on the mission field.  You want us to send Maribeth on mission next year!!  Not just SOMEBODY, but our own daughter.

You know that peace that passes all understanding Paul talks about in Philippians?  I didn't feel it!   I was sitting beside myself.  I understood God wanted us to send Maribeth, but I also felt called to go on mission myself.  Alas, that is not to be.  You are probably asking how I can be sure we are to send Maribeth on mission.
     Sunday night I drove through torrential rain to pick up my beloved at the airport in Atlanta.  After she was in the car and debriefed me on her time spent with Maribeth in Chicago, I told her I had something to share with her.  Half way through my story she slapped my arm to try to interrupt.  I asked her to please let me finish my story.  When I did she told me that she had been praying in Chicago about where God would send us on mission, and he clearly told her we should send Maribeth on mission. There was confirmation for both of us.  Lynne called Maribeth and shared my story (abbreviated). Maribeth shared that Russia has been on her heart, and she is contacting someone this week about a possible internship in Russia.
     I have heard sermons about people who are called and don't go. And then there are sermons telling us if you CAN'T go then you should send someone.  Never heard a sermon about someone who is ready, willing and able to go, and God tells them, "No!  You need to send someone!"   I am coming to terms with not going, and I am trying to turn my energy to fundraising and cheerleading Maribeth.  God brought to mind the passage in Acts 16:6, "They passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia."   So there you have it!! Not sure what the summer has in store for us.  We covet your prayers for us and for our daughter Maribeth.  We especially ask that your pray for some medical problems through which Maribeth is suffering.


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