
Showing posts from October, 2013

Ready, Willing and Able . . . But No!!

Maribeth and Cricket      If you have been following my blog you know what an exciting and blessed time we had in Zambia at NDO this past summer, and you know we came back excited about going back to NDO.  We discussed the possibility with Blu and Darbi when they were here in LaGrange in August.  Since then Lynne and I have been prayerfully considering if God would have us go on mission in the coming year, and possibly return to Zambia.      So this past Sunday I attended the informational missions meeting at our church to seek information and guidance.  Randy Presley, our missions coordinator, worked his way through the list of mission opportunities methodically.  As he talked about each opportunity, I asked God if he wanted us to go there on a mission trip.  Brazil with the IMB-No!  Guatemala for Spring Break-No!  Zambia for Spring Break or next summer-No!  In my heart the Holy Spirit told me very clearly, ...