
Showing posts from June, 2016

What are you wearing????

Fortunately we are required by law to wear clothes when we are out in public.  In the winter time you can freeze to death if you are not properly clothed.  Even in the summer time we dress to be comfortable and cool.  I think some people are such slaves to fashion that they will wear anything regardless of how comfortable it is or how offensive it may be.  If is say, “those aren’t pants!”, you know I am talking about yoga pants. Most people put a fair amount of thought into what they wear.  During the school year I pick out my clothes the night before so that I can shower and dress quickly in the morning to get to the car rider line at school.  I choose clothes that “go together” and are comfortable.  If they aren’t comfortable, it will be a very long day. Some Christians make a big deal about clothing and even cite some Bible verses to support their stand on clothing.  However most of us skip over the most direct referen...

Handle with Care ... What does that look like?

I am still in a cocoon about 2 Timothy 2.  If you seek to know  Paul’s heart about his faith in God, he seems to distill the essence living the Christian life into his letter to Timothy; particularly so in 2 Timothy 2.   My wife says I over-analyze, or in the least think about things that nobody else does.  I spent most of my time growing up alone, so there was time to think and nobody to disturb the process.  During my time in the Navy I was never the party animal a lot of my friends were, so again I found myself alone with plenty of time to think. Over the past few weeks my gizzard of a brain has continued grinding on 2 Timothy 2, but particularly on 2 Timothy 2:15.  Lots of people can recite the AWANA verse, but I wonder how many understand the complexity of what Paul is communicating to his son Timothy.  I say son, because in the salutation to this letter to Timothy, Paul calls Timothy his son.  So here it is in the NASB: 2 Timothy 2:15...