
Showing posts from 2016

Bible Study Tools and Apps

                May of 2016, Lynne and I did something radical.  We had our cable turned off.  Yes, we did.  We still watch television using our Roku and our Amazon Fire Stick.  Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Video have become our sole sources for television.  With no cable television, we found ourselves with lots of free time.  We really felt led by God to “cut the cable.”  Our $100 plus cable bill was no more, and we began paying about $21 a month for the services to which we subscribe.    God had plans for that time.                 I was beginning to prepare for the Precept Upon Precept study on 2 Timothy that I am now leading on Wednesday nights.  At the beginning of the summer I was knee deep in a Precept Upon Precept study of Romans 1-5 with a friend.   If you have ever done Precept Upon Precept, you ...

What are you wearing????

Fortunately we are required by law to wear clothes when we are out in public.  In the winter time you can freeze to death if you are not properly clothed.  Even in the summer time we dress to be comfortable and cool.  I think some people are such slaves to fashion that they will wear anything regardless of how comfortable it is or how offensive it may be.  If is say, “those aren’t pants!”, you know I am talking about yoga pants. Most people put a fair amount of thought into what they wear.  During the school year I pick out my clothes the night before so that I can shower and dress quickly in the morning to get to the car rider line at school.  I choose clothes that “go together” and are comfortable.  If they aren’t comfortable, it will be a very long day. Some Christians make a big deal about clothing and even cite some Bible verses to support their stand on clothing.  However most of us skip over the most direct referen...

Handle with Care ... What does that look like?

I am still in a cocoon about 2 Timothy 2.  If you seek to know  Paul’s heart about his faith in God, he seems to distill the essence living the Christian life into his letter to Timothy; particularly so in 2 Timothy 2.   My wife says I over-analyze, or in the least think about things that nobody else does.  I spent most of my time growing up alone, so there was time to think and nobody to disturb the process.  During my time in the Navy I was never the party animal a lot of my friends were, so again I found myself alone with plenty of time to think. Over the past few weeks my gizzard of a brain has continued grinding on 2 Timothy 2, but particularly on 2 Timothy 2:15.  Lots of people can recite the AWANA verse, but I wonder how many understand the complexity of what Paul is communicating to his son Timothy.  I say son, because in the salutation to this letter to Timothy, Paul calls Timothy his son.  So here it is in the NASB: 2 Timothy 2:15...

“Being a Christian is Tough, Get a Helmet!”

The thing about writing a blog, is you often don’t know if anybody reads it.  Occasionally someone will tell me they read my blog, or post a comment on Facebook.  However, when God lays something on my heart about which I should right, I need to be obedient and write it.  Even if nobody but me reads it, I need to yield to the leading.  Plus, the more you write, the better you write, right?! A little over a month ago I was preparing for my inductive Bible study on Philippians, and began reading different passages on YouBible in the Amplified Bible.  My wandering brought me specifically to 2 Timothy 2 .  The Amplified Bible provides all of the possible interpretations of a word based on the original language (Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic).  2 Timothy was written by Paul to Timothy as if Paul were writing to a son.   2 Timothy 2 specifically addresses living as a disciple of Christ.  I read through the chapter, and became engrossed in 2...

And now, the rest of the story.

     I have often wondered what our conversations would be like if they mirrored how we quote Scripture.   May I give an example?                                 Daughter:   Can I go?                                 Mother:        No! Seems a bit silly doesn't it.  However, I have often seen believers pull out parts of verses and fling them like "Holy Hand Grenades" or "ballons of blessed balm" with no context or understanding of what they are using.      I have found in my study of Scripture, especially in Paul's writings, that there are patterns.  And if we pull a part of a verse from context because it fits the situation, we may be leaving out something important.  I heard you ask for some examples, and I have a couple if you will oblige me.  ...

Leaving a Legacy

Are your parents still living?   If I gave you a test on their life, would you be able to make a passing grade?  Are there questions you wish you had asked your parents, but it is too late because they have gone on to heaven.  I came to the realization a long time ago that I did not want to pass on to my long home with my son and daughter having questions.  I wish I could say I took my own advice before my parents passed away, but I can't.  I can tell you a lot about my step-father, but could sum up what I know about my father, Harry Ninas, in about 5 minutes.  So I have three books to recommend for you.   If your parents are still alive, you will need a copy for them and one for you.  Intrigued??     I will put lin      My first and second recommendations are " A Father's Legacy: Your Life Story in Your Own Words " , and " A Mother's Legacy: Your Life Story in Own Words ."     Each of these is a serie...


              You might remember a while back there was a big movement called WWJD-W hat W ould J esus D o.    There were bracelets, a WWJD Bible, pin on buttons, and I am sure WWJD socks somewhere.  There are always Christian curmudgeons who gripe, grumble  and pontificate at anything they think is new.   As one curmudgeon told me, “What would Jesus do is a stupid question, because He is God and we aren’t!”    You will have to imagine the scowl that came with this statement.   If you know anything about deductive reasoning, you know that if any part of a statement is false the entire statement is logically false.   I will let you apply that logic to the statement by the curmudgeon.   I know, you want the destination and not journey.   Hold your water, I am getting there!!!               As a teacher I have an opportun...