Missions ... where are you serving?
"The silence as all creation holds its breath while God creates another African Sunset." Reference Psalm 19:1-6 The Calling Have I ever told you I love to write. It is very cathartic for me. I seem to have a 6 liter heart for feeling and emotions, and it almost becomes infected if I don't purge it regularly by writing. So what you read may not always be cogent or well formed, but it is certainly real. It is that time of year again. School has once again begun, and Rosemont Baptist Church is having its missions conference. Al Jackson from Lakeview Baptist Church in Auburn, Alabama, was the key note speaker at the banquet last night. It was 32 years ago that Pastor Al led a marriage counseling group that Lynne and I attended before eloping. His text was Luke 9:57-62. The text is about counting the cost of following Jesus ... of being obedient to the ...